To develop new solutions to improve security in IoT devices and networks. To unfold new ways to improve privacy in IoT environments. To develop techniques that improve the prevention and detection of malware infection in IoT networks.
To develop new solutions to improve security in IoT devices and networks. To unfold new ways to improve privacy in IoT environments. To develop techniques that improve the prevention and detection of malware infection in IoT networks.
My research topic, as ESR9, includes research and training in the design, development, and operations of cyber-security management platforms and their compliance to EU policies associated with the European Cyber-security directive.
Focus will be on developing cyber security operations centre functions for applications, systems, and data hosted in 3rd party private and/or public cloud environment.
It integrates innovation on threat detection, threat assessment, risk-based decision making, incident remediation planning and response coordination.
My work will also focus on social-technical research in cyber-security, including analysis of trust, reputation and influence in social networks and methods to protect against social engineering attacks.
The main work package I work on is ‘Work Package 3’ (leader: BT) and my main task aims to defines a reference model for cyber-security management of Enterprise and Telecom systems and an associated cyber-defence managed service that utilizes innovations from emerging technologies in network and IT system security monitoring and enforcement, security information collection, security risk analysis, mitigation planning, counter-measure impact analysis, response coordination and enforcement.
Demonstration of tools and methods to improve multi-stage attack, detection, analysis, remediation impact assessment.
The work described in this website has been conducted within the project NeCS. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020) research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 675320. This website and the content displayed in it do not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of its content.